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ARAGO Ready for HR Demo
Your personalized demo of the ARAGO Ready for HR solution modules.
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“52% of HRIS and HR decision-makers consider data management to be a strategic issue!” (Markess)


In 2020, digitalising the company has become an injunction. To create the necessary conditions for teleworking, to enable tighter management, to simplify and rationalise processes… In short, to professionalise and save time and money. Digitalising Human Resources is key to take care of employees by improving the quality of services within the organisation.

Tomorrow’s world of work is built on today’s wealth: human capital and HR data. While HR tools used in large groups are generally up to the task, most SMEs rely on Excel, email and sometimes specific heterogeneous solutions to manage recruitment, hiring, leave and absences, remuneration policy, internal training, career interviews, etc.


Compare the different sources to compile them and “make your HR data speak”!


When these time-consuming tasks have a negative impact on the quality of recruitment and talent management, it is time to adopt an integrated HR solution. The organisations that will move up a gear will be those that can process reliable and unified HR data to feed the dashboards that are essential for good business management.

In this webinar, we will show how HR processes can be automated, throughout the employee cycle in the company, in an integrated, collaborative and easy-to-use solution, very quickly.